There is a lot going on here at MVP Insurance! First… we are NOW MVP INSURANCE, formally Edmond Insurance Professionals.
Brent Brown and Joan Curtis, Co-Owners and Agents, are excited to share with you the new vision for our agency!
1. #ServeAsIF – Our agency mission statement is all about service through serving our families, staff, clients and our community! Brent and Joan are both Christ Followers and base this culture on the scripture found in Ephesians 6:7
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,” This belief allows us to give a different kind of experience when it comes to buying an selling insurance!
2. Name change? Edmond Insurance Professionals served us well, but in order to go and grow, we realized it was very limiting. We write insurance all over Oklahoma and Texas. We want to hire the brightest and the best, and with our new MVP Insurance branding, we feel we are poised for big growth!
3. Bigger Space in Place! We are moving our office to NW OKC, to 12032 N Pennsylvania Ave, OKC OK 73012. This gives us the room to hire, and also to entertain! We will have a space for several new producers, as well as a conference room that we can now offer classes and space to your strategic partners!
Go to our Facebook page to keep up with the move and also to check out our culture! If you or someone you know is looking for a new home to hang an insurance license, feel free to reach out on social media!