Bringing the Most Value Possible. #ServeAsIf

Insurance solutions tailored to meet your needs.

You have worked hard to build a life for your family, to help them thrive and keep them safe. Insurance provides financial protection and stability in the face of unexpected events. While you hope never to need it, having insurance can make a significant difference in your ability to recover and maintain your financial well-being when life takes an unexpected turn.

At MVP Insurance, we believe it is important to have an agent you trust to help you assess your individual circumstances and needs to determine the types and amounts of insurance that are appropriate for you.

Running a business comes with various risks, including property damage, liability issues, employee injuries, and legal claims. Business insurance is an investment that helps safeguard your company’s financial stability and reputation when the unexpected occurs, giving you the freedom and confidence to navigate the challenges that come with running a business. The specific types of insurance you need will depend on your industry, the size of your business, and the risks you face. It is a good idea to consult with an insurance professional to determine the most appropriate coverage for your business’s unique needs.


At MVP insurance we want to get to know you and your business to help find the policies and coverages you need to protect the organization you have worked so hard to build!

Need service on your existing policy?

We are proud to announce the launch of our new “Client Resources” page. You can now schedule a policy review, request a policy change, access your carrier portal, and find claims information right here on our site. We invite you to try it out!

Joan Curtis

Co-owner/Licensed Agent

What do you enjoy most about working at MVP Insurance?

I love working with such an amazing team!  As an owner here, I get the blessing of choosing who I get to work with every day, and I have to say I would put our team up against any!  We are blessed to have people who put service before self daily!  Second, I love that we get to honor God with what we do here.  I don’t want to live a day without the Lord being a part of our business.  I believe that is one of the biggest reasons we have been successful in this industry!

What is your favorite book, movie, and/or Song?

My favorite Movie – Is Pride and Prejudice (2005)

My favorite song is . . . all of them!  I love all music except for maybe Death Metal!

My favorite book series that I have read recently is “The Prison Healer” series by Lynette Noni.  I love listening to young adult fiction the best.  Gets me out of my head and I get to take mini adventures with the characters.

Another series I really enjoyed was “Legend” by Marie Lu.  Both have amazing character development and unique surprises. A business book that I recently listened to that was amazing was Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.


What is your Favorite Quote or Scripture?

Colossians 3:4 “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”  This is one of God’s promises when you live for the Lord, not everyone will understand that, and that’s okay, I am not for everybody.  I am for the ONE!

What is your dream Vacation?

My dream vacation would be to travel in the Mediterranean with my husband and all my kids and their families, for like 3 months and really get to experience the culture and the beauty there.

Blythe Donovan

Licensed Agent

How did you get into Insurance?

I got into insurance in 2019 because God told me this was my next step when I came in to meet with Brent and Joan for the first time! I love being an insurance agent because I get to help educate people and help protect families. I love my job for so many reasons, but mostly because I work with incredible people, both at MVP and with the relationships I form with clients and referral partners.

What is your favorite book, movie, and/or Song?

I don’t know if I can choose an actual favorite, because I love so many things in life! But the song that brings me the most joy currently is Somewhere Over the Rainbow/Wonderful World medley by IZ, with the ukulele. I love the words, the hopeful message, and I tend to always find the silver lining or the other side of the rainbow in every situation. I am an incurable optimist and joy seeker!

What is your Favorite Quote or Scripture?

My favorite scripture is Ephesians 3:20, God is able to do exceedingly, and abundantly, more than we can ask or imagine!

What is your dream Vacation?

My dream vacation is a quiet place in the mountains! My husband and I took a belated honeymoon to Pagosa Springs, Colorado and it was a slice of heaven on earth! My ideal day would be spent outdoors, enjoying wildflowers, the sound of a river rushing by, cool mountain breezes, and the smell of pine trees. We loved the small town and beauty of Pagosa Springs so much that we are actively working towards being able to get a place there so we can escape to the mountains more regularly!

Jade Griggs

Client Concierge

What do you enjoy most about working at MVP Insurance?

I love how everyone in the office is like family! I learn something new every day.

What is your favorite book, movie, and/or Song?

Favorite Book: Anything by Tracy Wolff 

Favorite Movie: “White Christmas” and “Dirty Dancing”. 

Favorite Music; Christmas, Country, Christian


What is your Favorite Quote or Scripture?

 Favorite Quote: Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today! -Ernest Hemingway.

Favorite Scripture: so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10


What is your dream Vacation?

My childhood dream vacation was to go to Disney World (like most little kids). However, as an adult my ultimate vacation would be to travel to Ireland and visit the many towns, and villages along the western shoreline. The most famous landmark in Ireland is probably the Cliffs of Moher which is at the top of my bucket list.

Brent Brown

Co-Owner / Licensed Agent

What do you enjoy most about working at MVP Insurance?

I love the family atmosphere that we have created here at MVP. Everyone is willing to go the extra mile to help a fellow client, co-worker, or strategic partner!

What is your favorite book, movie, and/or Song?

If you catch me reading it is most likely a book about business or personal development. One of my all time favorites is “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. I don’t think I can pick a favorite movie, but I am a huge fan of “The Office” TV Series (American Version). I like to think I’m a Jim, but truthfully, I’m probably more of a Michael!

I enjoy listening to all genres of music. People who ride with me are often taken aback because I’ll be streaming Beethoven from my phone and an EMINEM song will come on after.

What is your Favorite Quote or Scripture?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13
“An office is for not dying. An office is a place to live life to the fullest, to the max. An office is a place where dreams come true.“ Michael Scott

What is your dream Vacation?

Snow Skiing and a big cabin in the Mountains of Colorado!